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Fatigue at Work: What You Should Know

Fatigue at Work: What You Should Know

Fatigue in Workplace

The hour strikes three and you become exhausted either physically or mentally. We’ve all been there. Fatigue in the workplace is a real thing. Symptoms include sleepiness, tiredness, lack of motivation, and exhaustion. It is common and imposes several safety risks.

Dangers of working fatigued

According to OSHA, employees that work long hours can result in high levels of stress, poor eating habits, insufficient physical activity, and higher chance of illness. The NSC has found that work fatigue is estimated to cost employers $136 billion per year in health-related lost productivity. Fatigue in the workplace is a real thing.

Fatigue management/prevention

There are several things you can do to combat fatigue at work. To manage your fatigue, it will require you to be proactive and diligent. Here are a couple of things that you can do to prevent fatigue at work.

Plenty of Sleep.

This is the most obvious but also the most important. The average person needs between seven and nine hours of sleep. Proper sleep is the solution to recover fully from fatigue. There are ways to combat fatigue without sleep; however, sleep is always the best solution.

Hydration and Diet.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to ensure hydration when you work. Dehydration will worsen your fatigue and symptoms. Your diet is essential to avoiding fatigue. Do not overeat or under eat, find the right balance so that you have enough energy.


Try to do some small and quite exercise throughout the day. The circulation of blood increases each time you exercise. More circulation equals more oxygen going to your brain. This helps combat mental fatigue.

Don’t Overuse Caffeine.

Caffeine products have been the go-to for most people when they feel tired. While these products do help combat tiredness, it is not a permanent solution. When you drink too much caffeine, its effects are minimized and leads to problems like headaches. If you do drink caffeine, make sure to not abuse it and don’t take it too late in the day.

Power Naps.

If possible, take power naps. Power naps are effective with combating fatigue. They must be between 20 and 30 minutes. The best time to take them is between 1:00 and 3:00 PM. They can boost your cognitive abilities.

Productive Hours.

Work during your peak productive hours. You should first keep track of the times in the day you feel most productive. Then schedule your most important work in those times, and least important tasks in the times that you feel least productive.

Leave Work at Work.

You need to set limits on your working time. When you go home, leave work at work, and focus on things that you enjoy. In your leisure time focus on your hobbies or other meaningful tasks. This will help you create a health work-life balance.

To learn more on workplace trainings, check out Hard Hat Training for more information.

Good luck and stay safe!