What are Bloodborne Pathogens?
Bloodborne pathogens (BBP) are microorganisms that can infect any living organism and travel through the blood. They take the form of bacteria or viruses and can carry diseases such as HIV, AIDS, or HBV.
What is an Exposure Control Plan?
An Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is a written document detailing procedures to control an exposure situation. Included also with the document is a list of common questions and answers for exposure control situations.
Steps for an Exposure Control Plan
Enforce Washing Hands
Always wash your hands with soap and water as soon as possible after contacting blood or other bodily fluids, especially after removing personal protective equipment (PPE).
Obey Workplace Restrictions
Avoid all restricted activities that put you at risk of BBP exposure and follow all procedures to prevent it.
Post & Follow Signs and Labels
Doing so will remind employees of areas and activities that put them at risk of BBP exposure.
Get Vaccinated
Get HBV vaccines when possible. If an employee decides not to, they need to sign a waiver that they understand the risks of contracting HBV by not becoming vaccinated.
Protect yourself from BBPs by using PPE, such as gloves and face masks. Follow the proper procedures for donning and doffing PPE.
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