Intermediate & Advanced Rigger Signaler Training
Hard Hat Training courses meet all training requirements set by OSHA and CSA.
We Offer Three Types of Rigger Signaler Safety Trainings
Our regulation-aligned Rigger Signaler certification courses are updated to reflect the most recent changes made to safety standards. Whether you want a certification in as little as two hours, or a more robust training, we can help! We offer online trainings that can be completed in a day, DIY training kits that provide training materials, Train the Trainer certifications that certify individuals to train others and provide training materials, or onsite training. No matter what you choose, we can get you what you want, at a price you can afford.
Online Training
Online training is for those who prefer self-paced training from any location and/or for employers who need to assign and monitor employee training progress and exam scores.
Purchase OptionsOnline Training
Select Your Region or Language
Intermediate Rigger & Signaler Training
Advanced Rigger & Signaler Training
Training Kits
The training kit is for those who want the freedom of doing the training themselves. It is an PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) that you can present yourself to a group of trainees.
Purchase OptionsDIY Training Kits
Select Your Region or Language
Intermediate Rigger & Signaler Training
Advanced Rigger & Signaler Training
Train the Trainer
Train the Trainer courses are online and meant to certify a individual to use the training kit to train others. Training kit and materials are included with the Train the Trainer online course for no additional cost.
Purchase OptionsTrain the Trainer
Select Your Region or Language
Intermediate Rigger & Signaler Training
Advanced Rigger & Signaler Training
What’s in the Rigger & Signal Person Training Course?
Our Rigger and Signalman safety training course is regulation-aligned, and our online version fulfills OSHA’s classroom training requirement. Each class contains sections on weight, angles and stress, the center of gravity, sling hitches and types, and the hardware and lifting devices these workers can expect to work with.
This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for the final written exam included with the course. In addition to the written exam, this course also includes a checklist for employers to use when administering a practical exam as required.
While this training encompasses many important safety standards, you will still need to familiarize yourself with any other federal, state, and local standards that apply to your specific workplace.
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For most courses, we offer OSHA trainings in English and Spanish, CAL/OSHA trainings in English, and Canada trainings in English. See all of our options!
View Purchase OptionsRigger & Signal Person Certification Standards
U.S. Standards
Canada Standards
Train the Trainer Certification
The Train the Trainer option is used to certify a trainer to teach others using the included training kit. It incorporates the online course with an additional train the trainer module, as well as the training kit. This option results in an regulation-aligned lifetime trainer certification from Hard Hat Training. This certification is not company-specific, meaning you can take it with you should you change employers.
Why Do I Need Rigger & Signal Person Safety Training?
In line with regulations, anyone who works with or around heavy machinery must receive training prior to working on their own. While requirements for refresher training related to forklifts or other processes are very specific. Most other equipment doesn’t have such specific requirements, but it’s wise to follow the same guidelines.
When it comes to refresher training, OSHA’s standard in some instances (like forklifts) is very specific: operators must be re-evaluated every three years to see if they are still competent to operate the equipment. Best practices say to apply this same rule to all types of equipment. A so-called “free-pass” cannot be awarded based on experience, age, or time on the job. The extent of the evaluation is to be determined by the employer but should include a written and practical examination that proves continued competency.
Stay Informed On All Things Rigger & Signal Person
Did You Know?
Sailors were the original riggers. Their skills with ropes and knows allowed them to quickly raise sails and other loads.
Texas employs the most riggers in the United States (BLS).
Frequently Asked Questions

What is rigging?

Rigging is the act of preparing a load to be lifted and moved, generally by a crane. Second, rigging is used to describe any gear that is used for lifting.
What does it mean to be a rigger?

A rigger is a person that prepares and maintains the rigging used to lift or move loads.
What is a Signal Person?

A signal person communicates with crane operators to guide the load safely, usually with hand signals.
When is a Signal Person required?

A Signal Person should be assigned whenever the crane operator cannot see the load, the load’s landing area, or the path of travel of either the load or the crane.
See Purchase Options
For most courses, we offer OSHA trainings in English and Spanish, CAL/OSHA trainings in English, and Canada trainings in English. See all of our options!
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