Backhoe Loader Online Training

(4 customer reviews)


Backhoe Loader online training certification, designed by trainers with 15+ years of onsite training experience. The estimated time for this training is 1.5-2 hours.

  • OSHA-Aligned: OSHA-aligned courses that are reviewed yearly & updated to meet the latest standards.
  • Instant Access: After purchasing, you'll have immediate access to the online course.
  • Printable Certificates: Upon completion, you will receive a printable certificate and OSHA wallet card.
  • For Businesses: We offer company accounts and bulk discounts.

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What’s in the Backhoe Loader Certification Course?

Our Backhoe safety training course is OSHA Aligned, and our online version is based on OSHA’s training requirements.

Training Scope: Each class contains the following information:

  • Anatomy
    • Interior Inspections
    • Exterior Inspections
  • Stability
    • Principles
  • Safe Operations
    • Know Yourself
    • Know Your Machine
    • Know Your Worksite

Estimated Training Length: Because everyone learns and progresses at different speeds, the amount of time you spend taking this training will vary. However, the estimated time for this training is 1.5 – 2 hours.

Intended Audience:

  • Employees
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Employers

This training course is OSHA-aligned and covers OSHA’s classroom training requirements. Each class contains sections on equipment and anatomy, maintenance and inspections, safe operations and stability, common hazards, and more. This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for the final written exam included with the course. Upon successful completion of the course and exam, you will have immediate online access to your certificate of completion. You have the option to download the practical evaluations for the specific course. Although the practical evaluation is not a required part of the online course, we strongly recommend completing it under the supervision of your employer to ensure your mastery of the safety training topics.

This course covers the following OSHA standards:

  • 29 CFR 1926.600. Equipment
  • 29 CFR 1926.602. Material Handling Equipment
  • 29 CFR 1926.604. Site Clearing
  • 29 CFR 1926.650. 652 Excavations
  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P App A. Soil Classifications
  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P App F. Protective Systems



Why Take the Online Backhoe Loader Certification Safety Training?

Our backhoe loader online training course provides a substantial, thorough, and effective way to learn how to work safely. We’ve been providing industry-specific safety training solutions for individuals, safety managers, and business owners for over 15 years.

The backhoe loader online course meets the classroom requirement for occupational safety training. It also includes a proficiency checklist that employers can use to perform a practical evaluation, in accordance with standards and regulations.

We have fine-tuned this backhoe loader training to provide you with the best experience possible. Our robust training approach gives an interactive experience that helps learners retain information and apply it on the job site, preventing costly accidents and fines. Safety training is an investment. That is why hundreds of companies and individuals all over the world trust the Hard Hat Training Series for their online training needs.

Why Buy Our Online Backhoe Loader Operator Safety Training?

  • Complete Training: First and foremost our goal is to keep you safe and save you money. Don't risk getting expensive OSHA fines because you settled for a sub-par training program that didn't cover safety topics in depth. Train using a program that helps you retain what is learned so that it is put into practice on job sites.
  • Cost-Effective: Hiring a trainer to come on-site can be expensive. In contrast, our online curriculum lowers costs while still providing a professional training experience.
  • Records Tracking System: We offer an easy-to-use management system so that if you have multiple students who are receiving the training you can have access to all records, all-terrain certificates, observation guides and more! (contact us if you would like us to quickly create a company account for you)
  • Train Your Way: You can use this online training program for new hire training, refresher training or train remotely. Access it from anywhere and work on your schedule.
  • Interactive Learning: Special reminders and quiz questions throughout the course prep students for the final exam so that it is passed the first time.
  • Corporate License: Do you want to host this course on your own server? Contact us about obtaining broadcasting rights for this and any of our other online courses.



What Is a Backhoe Loader?

A backhoe loader is a machine used for excavating and moving dirt as well as other materials and debris. It can be described as a tractor situated between a loader at the front of the machine and the backhoe at the rear.

A backhoe loader will often get confused with an excavator since they are both used for digging and they both have articulating booms with a bucket at the end. The quickest way to tell them apart is by spotting the loader at the front of the backhoe machine. Excavators do not have them.

What Is It Used For?

A backhoe loader has many uses, the main one being excavating, as stated earlier. It can also be helpful when it comes to landscaping, construction, and agriculture for tasks such as:

  • Breaking asphalt
  • Removing snow
  • Small demolition taks
  • Transporting materials
  • Planting trees
  • Uprooting trees

What Is The Purpose of Backhoe Training?

A backhoe operator must be properly trained to ensure that they can safely operate the machine. Accidents can happen at any moment and proper safety training can prevent injuries and even save lives. If an operator has not received training, they will be compromising the safety of everyone in the workplace. Take this case study as an example:

Hamon was working as part of a crew installing underground utility lines. Hamon’s supervisor gave him the task of repairing a line that had become detached. Hamon jumped down into the trench where the line was and got to work. Meanwhile, one of his coworkers was operating a backhoe loader and was dumping sand into the trench using the bucket. While Hamon was getting out of the trench, the bucket of the backhoe struck him in the chest and he fell back. His supervisor rushed him to the hospital and he got treated for many broken ribs and a fractured leg.

This accident could have been prevented if the backhoe operator had been paying attention to his surroundings as well as his machine. Even small, simple mistakes can lead to an injury or death in the workplace. This is why backhoe training is so important.

Does OSHA Have Requirements for a Backhoe Training Course?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has many standards for heavy equipment operators. These standards will also apply to backhoe safety training courses because a backhoe loader is considered heavy mobile equipment. The OSHA Requirements that surround excavation and site clearing also apply to backhoe loader safety.

What if I Am Not Operating the Machine?

When working around heavy equipment, like a backhoe loader, then it is important to know what standards will apply to you. OSHA requires employees who are working around heavy equipment to wear high-visibility clothing. This will allow the operator to locate you and other employees.

You should also remember to keep out of the operator’s blind spots and avoid setting up your work area near the machine. The operator might not be able to see you if you are bending over to work or grab tools.

Training Course Outline

Here at Hard Hat Training, our Backhoe Loader Safety Training Course can be broken down into three different parts. The parts of the machine, stability principles, and heavy equipment training. Each section of this training complies with different OSHA Requirements.

Parts of the Machine

In this section, we discuss the anatomy of the machine and why it is important for you to know the different parts of your machine. For the interior of the machine we will explain the use of:

  • Operators manual
  • Cab floor and seat
  • Safety devices
  • Interior cab decals
  • Controls
  • Parking brake
  • Backup alarm
  • Horn
  • Air and heat
  • Wipers and glass
  • Mirrors

For the exterior of the machine, we discuss what the different parts do and where they are. Some of the parts we will talk about are:

  • Engine check
  • Lights
  • Frame
  • Steps and handles
  • Tires
  • Loader assembly
  • Loader bucket
  • Boom and stick
  • Stabilizers
  • Other attachments

Stability Principles

Even though the backhoe loader is a heavy machine and may seem sturdy, there are many factors that can destabilize the machine and cause it to tip over or roll. The stability principles section covers all of these factors and what can be done to prevent accidents and injuries.

  • Capacity
  • Tipping capacity
  • Lift capacity
  • Breakout force
  • Struck capacity
  • Heaped capacity
  • Balancing point
  • Center of gravity
  • Slopes
  • Ground conditions

Heavy Equipment Training

All heavy equipment operators must adhere to the same standards when it comes to their machines. While each machine may be different, the standards for heavy equipment operators are not. The topics that will be covered in the heavy equipment part of this training are:

  • Walk around inspections
  • Operator compartment
  • Startup and shutdown procedures
  • Basic operating procedures
  • Earthmoving fundamentals
  • Maintenance

More About Our Backhoe Training Course School

Our Backhoe Safety Training course is OSHA Aligned, and our online version fulfills OSHA’s classroom training requirement.

Because everyone learns and progresses at different speeds, the amount of time you spend taking this training will vary. However, the estimated time for this training is 1.5 – 2 hours.

Intended Audience:

  • Employees
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Employers

This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for the final written exam included with the course. In addition to the written exam, this course also includes a checklist for employers to use when administering a practical exam as required by OSHA.

How Quickly Can I Get My Backhoe Certification With This Course?

You can purchase this course, complete it, take the final exam, and receive your certification all on the same day. Once the course is completed there is only one stipulation: you must score an 80 percent or above on the final exam in order to get your certificate.

For more information check out our related articles Do You Have To Be Certified To Use A Backhoe? and How Much Money Can You Make With a Backhoe?.

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Bulk Discounts

Bulk discounts are avalible when you order multiple courses or credits. Please call (888) 360-8764 for price approval.

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Print Details

Want to print training course information and show it to others? See our informational, printable PDF document and print ourself a copy.

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Demo Course

If further information is needed, companies can request to demo the training course. Call (888) 360-8764 to request this service.

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How Does Online Training Work?

Each employee or individual takes the online course at their own pace. Quiz questions are included along the way to prepare for the final exam (Employers or managers may assign employees to specific safety courses). Quiz questions are included along the way to prepare for the final exam.

Instant access to your safety certification and wallet card is granted when the online course is completed and the subsequent online exam is passed. Once the online exam is passed, administer the practical exam. We suggest correcting any mistakes and having the trainee initial the edit on the practical exam sheet. Congratulations! You have finished your online safety training course.


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