Knuckle Boom Truck Online Training

(6 customer reviews)


Knuckle boom crane online training and certification course, designed by trainers with 15+ years of onsite training experience. The estimated time for this training is 150 – 180 min.

  • OSHA-Aligned: OSHA-aligned courses that are reviewed yearly & updated to meet the latest standards.
  • Instant Access: After purchasing, you'll have immediate access to the online course.
  • Printable Certificates: Upon completion, you will receive a printable certificate and OSHA wallet card.
  • For Businesses: We offer company accounts and bulk discounts.

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What’s in the Knuckle Boom Truck Certification Course?

This training course is OSHA-aligned and covers OSHA’s classroom training requirements. Each class contains sections on equipment and anatomy, maintenance and inspections, safe operations and stability, common hazards, and more. This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for the final written exam included with the course. Upon successful completion of the course and exam, you will have immediate online access to your certificate of completion. You have the option to download the practical evaluations for the specific course. Although the practical evaluation is not a required part of the online course, we strongly recommend completing it under the supervision of your employer to ensure your mastery of the safety training topics.

Training Scope: Each class contains the following information:

  • Anatomy & Components
  • Stability
  • Rigging Considerations
  • Safe Operations
  • Hazards

Estimated Training Length: Because everyone learns and progresses at different speeds, the amount of time you spend taking this training will vary. However, the estimated time for this training is 150 – 180 min.

Intended Audience:

  • Employees
  • Supervisors

This course covers the following OSHA standards:

  • 29 CFR 1926.180 – Crawler, Locomotive and Truck Cranes
  • 29 CFR 1926.1400 – Cranes and Derricks
  • ASME B30.5 – Mobile and locomotive cranes
  • ASME B30.22 Articulating boom cranes

Why Take Our Online Knuckle Boom Truck Safety Training?

Our knuckle boom truck online training course provides a substantial, thorough, and effective way to learn how to work safely. We’ve been providing industry-specific safety training solutions for individuals, safety managers, and business owners for over 15 years.

The knuckle boom truck online course meets the classroom requirement for occupational safety training. It also includes a proficiency checklist that employers can use to perform a practical evaluation, in accordance with standards and regulations.

We have fine-tuned this knuckle boom truck training to provide you with the best experience possible. Our robust training approach gives an interactive experience that helps learners retain information and apply it on the job site, preventing costly accidents and fines. Safety training is an investment. That is why hundreds of companies and individuals all over the world trust the Hard Hat Training Series for their online training needs.

The Best Online Certification Program—Knuckle Truck Course

Why Buy Our Online Knuckle Boom Training?

  • Complete Training: First and foremost our goal is to keep you safe and save you money. Don't risk getting expensive OSHA fines because you settled for a sub-par training program that didn't cover safety topics in depth. Train using a program that helps you retain what is learned so that it is put into practice on job sites.
  • Cost-Effective: Hiring a trainer to come on-site can be expensive. In contrast, our online curriculum lowers costs while still providing a professional training experience.
  • Records Tracking System: We offer an easy-to-use management system so that if you have multiple students who are receiving the training you can have access to all records, all-terrain certificates, observation guides and more! (contact us if you would like us to quickly create a company account for you)
  • Train Your Way: You can use this online training program for new hire training, refresher training or train remotely. Access it from anywhere and work on your schedule.
  • Interactive Learning: Special reminders and quiz questions throughout the course prep students for the final exam so that it is passed the first time.
  • Corporate License: Do you want to host this course on your own server? Contact us about obtaining broadcasting rights for this and any of our other online courses.



Knuckle Boom Lift Training

Knuckle booms are used for access where platforms need to reach both up or over any obstacle.

  • Standards state that a safe use plan must be established for each specific lift.
  • Safety training is crucial when it comes to the safety of employees in the workplace.
  • There are many common hazards associated with boom lifts.

What is a Knuckle Boom Lift?

Boom lifts, in general, have a hydraulic arm connected to a bucket or platform stemming from a grounded base. Boom lifts are known for being able to reach both vertically and horizontally. There are two types of boom lifts: telescopic booms and knuckle booms.

Knuckle booms, also often called articulating booms, are intended for access where platforms need to reach both up and over any obstacle. This means you can work around obstacles such as fixtures, walls, and machinery while maintaining a stable work platform.

A telescopic boom has some maneuverability but is not able to reach up, over, or around obstacles. A telescopic boom is designed for reaching into awkward or tight spaces that are straight up or ahead.

What is it Used For?

Knuckle boom lifts are commonly used by businesses in the oil, forestry, and construction industries. They usually fit through standard doorways and are easy to maneuver around hazards. A knuckle boom lift is often used in tight workspaces. This is due to the fact that the lift gives workers the ability to lift themselves or various items up, over, and out with unprecedented precision. Once in the air, a knuckle boom crane can extend and bend.

Knuckle Boom Limits

Most knuckle boom lifts provide up to 500 pounds of platform capacity. However there are some that can lift around 750 pounds. Standard knuckle Booms can reach heights anywhere from 20 to 70 feet. Each knuckle boom is different depending on the make and model. Be sure to follow the limits set by the manufacturer to ensure maximum safety and stability.

Knuckle Boom Lift vs Cranes

Boom lifts and cranes are made for different tasks and they do not have the same capabilities. A boom lift does not have the same lifting strength as a crane, and a crane is not suitable for lifting workers. Use both pieces of equipment for what they were designed for to ensure everyone’s safety.

OSHA Requirements

When it comes to the manufacturing, maintaining, and operating knuckle boom lifts, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) directly mentions the standards established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It is important to note that all lifts are considered aerial lifts by OSHA with the exception of scissor lifts, which OSHA considers to be scaffolding.

OSHA does have stringent requirements when it comes to knuckle boom lift training. Here are the topics that must be covered in a knuckle boom lift training:

  • Understanding common hazards such as falls and electrocution
  • Recognizing and avoiding hazards
  • Procedures for handling workplace hazards
  • How to correctly and safely operate the lift
  • Knowing the height and weight limits of the lift
  • Knowing how and when to perform equipment inspections
  • Observing the lift’s manufacturer instructions

It is also required that anyone operating or working on or around the knuckle boom lift must have successfully completed an OSHA Aligned safety training course before their initial assignment.

ANSI Standards

While OSHA tends to use the term aerial lifts when referring to lifts of any kind, ANSI prefers to use the term Mobile Elevated Work Platforms or MEWPs.

ANSI standards state that a Safe Use Plan must be established for each specific MEWP or lift. This plan should include a worksite assessment to identify hazards, evaluate risk, create control measures, and communicate results with the employees. Some other requirements of this plan include:

  • An assessments of the support surface
  • Familiarization of the specific MEWP to be used
  • Monitoring of the work performance of the operator by a trained and qualified supervisor
  • Documentation of records

Qualifications and Training

ANSI requires that MEWP- specific training be provided to operators, occupants, and their supervisors by a qualified person and must be presented in both a language and vocabulary that the employee can understand. There are different training requirements depending on the role of the employees.

Operators can only operate MEWPs on which they have been trained, familiarized, and authorized to operate. Operators must be physically and mentally capable of operating the MEWP safely.

At least one occupant must be taught how to operate the MEWP controls in case of an emergency where the operator becomes incapacitated. This does not give the occupant the authority to operate the MEWP except for an emergency.

Employers must ensure the trained operator is familiarized with the specific MEWP to be used before authorizing the operator to use it. Familiarization includes:

  • Location of the manufacturers operations manuals and confirmation they are present
  • Purpose and function of all controls, features and devices
  • Limitations and operating characteristics

Why is Safety Training Important?

Every work environment is filled with hazards. Whether it be dangerous machinery or simply the physical strain that comes from sitting hunched over a desk all day, there are always hazards that employees should be aware of.

Sadly enough, safety often takes a back seat during the onboarding process and is rarely discussed in the work environment after employment. This means workplace hazards are a serious threat across the world. Every day, OSHA receives reports involving broken bones, deep cuts, loss of hearing, and even death. Workplace incidents account for over 5,000 deaths and tens of thousands of injuries annually.

Here at Hard Hat, we believe that the best way to decrease these mortality rates is by providing employees with safety training that is thorough, memorable, engaging, and entertaining. It’s our mission to leave a strong impression on your employees and make safety a regular part of your workplace culture.

Common Hazards

Knuckle boom lifts can be a very dangerous piece of equipment, and most injuries and fatalities are caused by the most common hazards. In this article we will be discussing five of the most common hazards associated with knuckle boom lifts. These hazards are:

  1. Contact with power lines
  2. Tip overs
  3. Falls from platforms
  4. Struck or crushed by lift
  5. Maintenance related hazards

Throughout the next couple sections we will go into depth about each hazard and explain the best ways to avoid or prevent these from happening.

Powerline Contact

Contact with power lines is the most common hazard associated with working on or around a knuckle boom lift. The accidental connection of any part of a boom lift with a high-voltage powerline can result in crippling injuries and death.

Safety training for employees should address electrical hazards and how to avoid them. De-energizing power lines before attempting to work near them is the safest way to prevent electrical injuries and fatalities.

Tip Overs

Tip overs are the next most common hazard associated with knuckle boom lifts. There are a lot of things that can cause a tip over. The most common cause is working on an incline. Other reasons would include:

  • Overloading
  • Failure to use outriggers
  • Colliding with overhead objects

The best way to prevent a tip over is by following all the guidelines and limits for the specific knuckle boom that is being used.

Falls From The Platform

Falls from a knuckle boom lift platform are not as common because they are caused by behavior that is obviously dangerous. This includes employees who:

  • Don’t use fall protection
  • Climb on the rails while the lift is raised in the air
  • Climb on the outside of the platform during the lift

However, there are some examples that are not caused by a disregard for rules. For example, in a few cases, the lift was struck by another vehicle, throwing the employee or operator from the platform.

Always use the recommended personal protective equipment (PPE) and always follow the procedures and guidelines that have been laid out for your safety.

Struck or Crushed by Lift

One of the less common hazards is being struck or crushed by the lift. Either the operator on the lift is struck or crushed, or an employee working near the lift is injured or killed. Unfortunately, both are a result of the operator not being aware of their surroundings or not being properly trained on the controls.

Once again, safety training is a must. Boom lift operators should successfully complete an OSHA Aligned training course on how to safely operate the lift to avoid these hazards.

Maintenance Related

When knuckle boom lifts aren’t properly maintained, accidents are prone to happen. Never operate a boom lift that is damaged or in need of repair. Daily pre-shift inspections can help identify problems with the machine before a failure occurs.

Hard Hat Training

There are lots of ways to accomplish safety training that are convenient.

But in the end, safety training should be a blessing, not a burden. That’s why we offer a selection of training methods so that you can choose the most convenient one for your company.

OSHA Aligned Courses

Here at Hard Hat Construction Safety Training of our courses comply with OSHA Requirements and contain all of the necessary safety information related to the specific training topic. Our learning development and quality assurance teams spend hours researching so that we can provide companies with the best and most vital information! Our MEWP Safety Training and Boom Lift Safety Training courses are available for you today!

For more information check out our related articles What is a Knuckle Boom Used For? and Why is it Called a Knuckle Boom?


Why Do I Need Knuckle Boom Safety Training?

In line with OSHA requirements, anyone who operates heavy equipment must receive training prior to operating the machine on their own. OSHA requirements for refresher training related to forklifts or other processes are very specific. Most other equipment doesn’t have such specific requirements, but it’s wise to follow the same guidelines.

When it comes to refresher training, OSHA’s standard in some instances (like forklifts) is very specific: operators must be re-evaluated every three years to see if they are still competent to operate the equipment. Best practices say to apply this same rule to all types of equipment. A so-called “free-pass” cannot be awarded based on experience, age, or time on the job. The extent of the evaluation is to be determined by the employer, but should include a written and practical examination that proves continued competency.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should a knuckle boom be inspected?

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The operator should inspect their machine at the beginning of each shift or workday.

Is it okay to hoist personnel up using the knuckle boom?

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It is very unsafe to do so, but is permissible if the proper safety procedures and planning are implemented beforehand.

How can I avoid knuckle boom tipovers?

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Know the loading capacity of the knuckle boom as well as the tipping points. Ensure the torque on the side of the crane is greater than the leverage. Also, make sure to set your outriggers before using the knuckle boom.

Am I required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when operating a knuckle boom?

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It is up to the employer to determine what PPE you are required to wear when operating a knuckle boom, but it is recommended that you wear a hard hat and reflective vest at all times.

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If further information is needed, companies can request to demo the training course. Call (888) 360-8764 to request this service.

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How Does Online Training Work?

Each employee or individual takes the online course at their own pace. Quiz questions are included along the way to prepare for the final exam (Employers or managers may assign employees to specific safety courses). Quiz questions are included along the way to prepare for the final exam.

Instant access to your safety certification and wallet card is granted when the online course is completed and the subsequent online exam is passed. Once the online exam is passed, administer the practical exam. We suggest correcting any mistakes and having the trainee initial the edit on the practical exam sheet. Congratulations! You have finished your online safety training course.


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