Mold, we’ve all seen it growing on all old food or in narrow cabinets. But what exactly is mold? Mold is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae. It can come in the form of yeasts, mildews, and puffballs. It generally has a fuzzy appearance and causes biodegradation of natural materials. Mold, in nature, has its purposes, but it can be dangerous for human health.
There are many kinds of mold, but regardless of the category the most common route of exposure for all mold types is through the respiratory system. This is especially harmful for those with pre-existing health conditions. Symptoms of mold exposure include difficulty breathing, sore throat, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, crawling skin, and many more.
Check common moisture areas, like pipes and leaking walls. Make sure to thoroughly inspect these areas, especially after flooding. You can use sealants and drain pans to prevent liquid from leaking in and causing mold to grow. You should also look out for condensation as it is a telltale sign that there is too much moisture in the air which can also lead to mold growth.
If you think that mold is in your building, be sure to perform an inspection. Check for visible mold or the space for mold growth, which can come in the form of black, brown, or green fuzzy spots. If that’s not found, the next thing you’ll want to look for is water damage. There are methods for doing this yourself or having it done by a professional. Of these two options choose whichever is best for your health and the safety of those in the building. You can help ensure a safe working environment by knowing and understanding the conditions needed for mold to grow. When in doubt, report any suspicious growth and/or odors to your employer or supervisor so the situation can be assessed and resolved.
Good luck and stay safe!