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How to Lookup Your Certification

Select the Applicable Situation:

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If you used our online safety training program…

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If you used our online safety training program you can lookup your certificate by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Under Account Settings click Certifications.

If you trained under a company branch with Hard Hat Training…

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If you trained under a company branch with Hard Hat Training go to:

  1. Go to: (remember to change “yourbranchname” in the link to the one that was assigned to you). If you don’t know your branch name, simply call (888) 438-8477 and we’ll be happy to look it up for you.
  2. Follow steps 2 -3 above.

If you used one of our safety training kits…

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  1. Open your safety training kit download.
  2. Click C – Menus.
  3. Choose Full Size Certificate or Wallet Certificate to find the template. We strongly recommend making copies of each certificate and wallet card.

Disclaimer: If you did not use Hard Hat Training for your safety training needs we cannot help you find your certificate. However, if you purchase online training from us we make every effort to keep and make available copies of all your certificates for you to access in the future.